Make sure that your child notices where you are placing the item. If the second player calls out HOME, the challenger loses a point. If the second player accepts the challenge, not realizing that adding an E makes HOME, he forfeits a point.
Instead, they add a letter that does not complete the word, say “M.”.The third player should refrain from adding letters like “G” or “T,” since these letters will complete the words HOG and HOT.The second player adds the letter “O.” For every letter added, the player’s score increases.The first player opens with a letter let’s say he calls out the letter “H.”.The aim is to build as big a word as possible, letter by letter.You can make the game a bit tough for older kids by asking them to sum up the numbers after stating the string of numbers.Anyone who forgets a number is out of the game. Kids have to create a number string without forgetting the previous numbers.The next player has to state the previous numbers and add a number of their own.Suitable for kids aged less than ten years.